How we can help you:
If you’re open and ready; we can show you a systematic process to putting “family first” and designing a Life worth living and recording.
First, we help you discover what is really most important to you, because when you become focused upon your core values, and then act from them, all future decisions become easier, quicker and will better serve you, your family and others. Next we’ll show you how to Design a Life based upon your core values and timeless principles.
“Most people start their new business career part-time,” says Bill. “They still have their regular jobs, and of course there are family things that happen—like Grandpa needing care, or having to move, or having to travel to visit family members. That “stuff” happens every day for everybody. And we all have the same twenty-four hours a day. The question is, why do some people live an extraordinary life while others get stuck in a rut?
As Julie explains, “Your new business career can fit into your Life – rather than making life the reason you can’t start something new – make your life the reason you can and will start your new business career.”
We all have a “Response-Ability” and there are multiple ways to increase, enhance and strengthen your “Response-Ability” that will serve you and others in making your world a place where you want to live.
Live With Intention,
Dr Bill & Julie Toth